The state of things – object theatre
(2024 – 2025)
The work is an immersive performance where the audience interacts in a playful way with the things that surround us.
A random cast of everyday objects on a table that becomes a stage: There, an objectual universe of images and sounds unfolds where Shakespearean tragedy meets material agency, our emotional memory encounters planned obsolescence, and our desires for a present and future society meet the state of things.
[This show has the support of the NATIONAL THEATRE INSTITUTE of Argentina (INT) and the supoort of the Culture Agency of the Province of Córdoba]
For all audiences (ages 12 and older)
DURATION: 60 minutes aprox.
– Theatre Espacio Blick, Córdoba (Argentina). December 2024.
– Theatre La Pulpería Cultural, Luyaba (Córdoba, Arg). February 2025.
– Theatre Titiriseres, Villa de las Rosas (Córdoba, Arg). February 2025.
Concept, text, direction, edition and general production:
Christina Ruf + Ariel Dávila (BiNeural-MonoKultur)
Voices: Alicia Vissani / Gabriela Aguirre / Lautaro Signorile
Audio design: Luis Obeid
Design and creation of scenery and props: Carlos Barahona, Lilian Mendizabal, Agus Marquez
Lighting design: Facundo Domínguez
Grafik design: Natalia Rojo
Advisors on the research process: Ana Alvarado, Darío Sandrone, Javier Swedzky, Carlos Piñero, Leonardo Volpedo
Thanks to all the people who participated as test audiences.