(2005 – …)
The project Fictional Audiotour is an individual audio experience that uses the city as scenery for a fictional walk. The spectator walks alone with an mp3-player and headphones along the streets of a city listening to a story that turns himself into the main character and that mixes real historical facts with fiction.
During the day, millions of pedestrians pass through the cities, blinded by their own commonness. Buildings, details of the city, historical points, urban art, and even their fellow residents, sharing the same urban habitat, are ignored by passersby.
Pay attention to the details of our surroundings, valuing the city not just as something containing busy lives, but as the space itself, with signs and particularities that reveal and inspire, denounce and transgress, teach and refute.
It is necessary to break away from the obvious view, the habitual course, with its day-to-day alienation, to rethink the city and appreciate its heritage, both tangible and intangible.
The audience plays an important role; they are transformed from passive spectators to the protagonists in their own adventure, in an urban scene with characters (real or fictional?) who also intervene in the game.
Since 2005 we have created numerous works in the form of a Fictional Audiotour. Each one is unique and non-transferable to another place. Each realization takes about a month of work, with extensive research on the place where it is performed, its own script and a specially composed soundtrack.
We did the following different Fictional Audiotour works, most of them in Portuguese or Spanish. But amongst them you can find here a link to the ones that have also an English version:
– “Grãos de História” (Grains of history). Part of the programme of the project “100 anos de histórias” which celebrates the centenary of the premises K.K.K.K., historical heritage of the Valley Vale do Ribeira, SESC Registro, SP (Brazil). 2023.
– O Homen do Chapeu. (The man with the hat). Theatre Festival “XVIII Festival de Inverno”, SESC Santo André / Paranapiacaba, SP Brazil. (2018)
– “A Máquina do Tempo” (The Time Machine). Part of the cultural programme of the international congress ICSEMIS + Mirada – Ibero-American Festival of Scenic Arts. Santos, SP (Brazil). Santos, SP ( Brasil). 2016
– “O Círculo Mágico” (The magic circle). Sesc Jundiaí, SP (Brazil). 2016.
– New edition of “operación 7.02” (operation 7.02) on the occasion of his 10th anniversary, Festival Internacional de Teatro MERCOSUR. Córdoba (Argentina). 2015.
– “Território Ocupado” (Occupied territory). At the Festival “Month of Independent Culture – MCI”. Prefecture of São Paulo, SP (Brazil). 2014.
– “La Resistencia” (The Resistence). At “July, Month of Culture” and “International Biennial of Scultpure”, Resistencia, Chaco (Argentina). 2014.
– Update and tri-lingual version of “Entre Mundos” (Between worlds). 6th International Conference on Environmental Education and Sustainability “Best of Both Worlds”, Bertioga, SP (Brazil). 2014.
– “À margem do rio” (Along the river bank). Festival “Lugares da Memória”. SESC Piracicaba, São Pablo (Brazil). 2013
– “Meu nome é Vera” (My Name is Vera), Centro Cultural da Juventude CCJ, São Pablo (Brazil). 2012
– “Seguindo o caminho dos quatro elementos” (Following the path of the four elements) SESC Sorocaba, SP (Brazil). 2012.
– “Los Filántropos” (The Philanthropists) Festival de Teatro de Rafaela, Santa Fe (Argentina). 2011.
– “Pio Lourenço – O rastro das palavras” (The Trace of Words), Mostra Infinito Interior, SESC Araraquara. SP (Brazil). 2009.
– “A Deriva” (The Drift), Mostra SESC Santos Permanente Transitório: o espaço expandido. Santos, SP (Brazil). 2008.
– “Entre mundos – diario de um Caraíba” (Between Worlds – Diary of a Shaman), SESC Bertioga, SP (Brazil). (Featured in the permanent program from 2008 until the end of 2009).
– “La culpa la tiene Niemeyer! – A última trilha de J.F.” (It’s Niemeyer’s fault! – The last track of J.F.), Mostra SESC de Artes Circulações. Ciudad de São Pablo, SP (Brazil). 2007.
– “O caminho X” (Path X), Festival Internacional de Teatro FIT, São José do Rio Preto, SP (Brazil). 2007.
– “Operación 7.02” (Operation 7.02), Festival Internacional de Teatro MERCOSUR. Córdoba (Argentina). 2005.
DURATION: approx. 60 min.